Drop-in & Late Arrivals Policy
The following policies are in effect May 2024 & beyond...
Late Arrival Policy
Late arrivals can be disruptive & upset the flow for your fellow dance students, so please do your best to be on time for your scheduled class.
If you're more than 5 minutes late for your class, please wait at side of the room and join the class upon being invited to do so by the instructors.
Drop-in Policy for Doghouse Classes & Workshops
Level A series: Since this beginning series is progressive & builds off content covered in previous classes, in order to attend you must already be familiar with the basics of East Coast Swing dancing. If so, you may drop-in for the FIRST class, but no drop-ins will be allowed after class session #2 unless vetted IN ADVANCE by the instructors.
Beginning Swing Jan 2025: This class series is progressive, but we have designed it to allow for new dancers to start in either week 1 or week 2.
Level B series: Dancers must be familiar with the basics of Lindy Hop & in fact we strongly recommend you should have been dancing for at least 6+ months. If so, you may drop in for the first class, but after this no drop-ins will be allowed after class session #2 and beyond.
Workshops & special events: Please review the event page for the workshop in question to determine whether drop-ins are allowed or not.